Pilgrimages have a long tradition and also a future! Who goes on a pilgrimage is searching for encounter.
Go on your way and discover the traces of the pilgrims.
Perceive nature again, enjoy the cultural jewels in silence along the way and the most essential is to discover yourself again.
Holy and healing paths to Mariazell
Along the famous pilgrimage path Sebastiani Rosenkranzweg at the last part of the pilgrimage path “Via Sacra” are located small herbal gardens at two stations from the way of the cross. They are installed after an old tradition and include famous and regional healing plants from the traditional European medicine.
At guided hiking tours you can get more information about the function and the help of the healing herbs after the knowledge of the natural healing. At its end the path guides you via the Calvary to the pharmacy Apotheke und Drogerie Zur Gnadenmutter, where visitors can strengthen themselves with the traditional herbal liquor and get more information about the healing herbs.
Further information to the pilgrimage paths to Mariazell you can find under www.mariazellerwege.at, www.viasacra.at, www.mariazellerweg.com (Upper Austrian Mariazellerweg), www.viamaria.at, and www.pilgern.info