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Basilica Mariazell

Everybody who is coming to Mariazell is impressed by the variety of languages, people and cultures. Here hundreds of year old history meets the diversity of European life.

Many generations left their footprints here. They are shown in the treasury, on votive pictures and votive gifts of the pilgrims. The statue of divine grace of Mariazell is a symbol of their journey searching for the personal life goal.

As one of the most famous European pilgrimage villages, Mariazell is a member of the “Shrines of Europe”. The Basilica as well as many other churches and holy places in the region Mariazeller Land invite to stay and consider. Since 1989 Mariazell again is the spiritual meeting point between East and West. The European history and the togetherness of the catholic belief unite themselves in Mariazell.  The peak of this unification was the “pilgrimage of people” celebrating the day of Catholics in the middle of Europe in May 2004. On this day 100.000 of pilgrims went to Mariazell.

On the 850th birthday of Mariazell pope Benedict the XVI celebrated an impressing feast of faith with pilgrims on the day of patrocinium of the Basilica (8th of September 2007).


>> Basilica Mariazell

>> Hours of churche service

>> Calendar of pilgrimage


Here you can find further information to the following fields:

>> treasuries

>> subsidiary churches

>> Holy places

Morgennebel, © TVB Mariazeller Land/Digruber
Blick auf Mariazell im Advent, ©

Pilgrimage path to Mariazell

Pilgrimages have a long tradition and also a future! Who goes on a pilgrimage is searching for encounter.

Go on your way and discover the traces of the pilgrims.

Perceive nature again, enjoy the cultural jewels in silence along the way and the most essential is to discover yourself again.

Holy and healing paths to Mariazell

Along the famous pilgrimage path Sebastiani Rosenkranzweg at the last part of the pilgrimage path “Via Sacra” are located small herbal gardens at two stations from the way of the cross. They are installed after an old tradition and include famous and regional healing plants from the traditional European medicine.

At guided hiking tours you can get more information about the function and the help of the healing herbs after the knowledge of the natural healing. At its end the path guides you via the Calvary to the pharmacy Apotheke und Drogerie Zur Gnadenmutter, where visitors can strengthen themselves with the traditional herbal liquor and get more information about the healing herbs.

Further information to the pilgrimage paths to Mariazell you can find under (Upper Austrian Mariazellerweg),, and

Pilgrimage diary from Mariazell

From the tourism office of the region Mariazeller Land this diary was created:

Your personal partner during your pilgrimage to Mariazell includes impulses, prayers, information about the path, maps and stamping possibilities. Further you find many place to write down your thoughts and experiences.

“I was pleased, as they told me that we want to go to the house of the Lord.”

These words from Psalm 122,1 are more actual than ever: The amount of the pilgrims has increased in the last years. More and more people go on their way to find their way to God and to find themselves during the hikes through the nature.

“With the new pilgrimage diary we offer our pilgrims the spiritual support for their personal pilgrimage journey”, says Johann Kleinhofer, CEO of the Mariazeller Land GmbH. “Beneath words from the cardinal Schönborn, bishop Schwarz and the former superior P. Karl Schauer includes 58 shorter and longer impulses for the way as well as a guide for the praying of the rosary”, Kleinhofer also explained.


Descriptions of the path, accommodations, stamping function and much other useful information

Beneath the spiritual contends the diary shows the paths to Mariazell with daily stages and accommodations, like the Via Sacra, the path Gründerweg as well as the Upper-Austrian, Lower-Austria pilgrimage path, the pilgrimage paths of Salzburg, Graz, Eisenstadt and Carinthia.The map includes an overview of all inns, restaurants and accommodation along the way, where the pilgrims can also stamp their diary.

Important addresses and emergency numbers are also included in the diary as well as much space for personal notes, where experiences and thoughts can be written down.

The pilgrimage diary “My way to Mariazell” is available at the tourism office, all restaurants and hotels in Mariazell as well as in the shops.

For the mail order please contact directly Mariazeller Land GmbH, phone +43 (0) 3882 34515 – Price € 6,00 (excl. Shipping costs)

Morgennebel, © TVB Mariazeller Land/Digruber
Kalvarienberg Sonnenuntergang ©TVB Mariazeller Land/Digruber
Kreuzwegstation © TVB Mariazeller Land/Digruber